The Siamese cat

The Siamese cat,The Siamese cat image

:The Siamese cat 

is one of the most famous cat species in the world. Many people prefer Siamese breeding due to its intelligence, sincerity and calmness at home. The Siamese cat is descended from the white cat breed. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Siamese cats to give birth to a pure white Siamese, Pure and pink eyes Sometimes the pure Siamese cat is different from the rest of the Siamese cat breed

:Origins of the Siamese cat

The origins of the white Siamese dynasty are not specifically known, but are described in documents dating back to around 1350 in the manuscripts of the National Library of Bangkok, where the cat describes with a white body, blue eyes, tail, ear and black foot. Applies specifically to the Siamese cat accurately.

:Description of the Siamese cat

The white Siamese cat is a medium-sized breed with a slim body and the Siamese cat weighs between 5 and 6.8 kg. It has a long head, large ears and a triangular shape, while the eyes are large in the shape of almonds and their colors are either blue or pink. The Siamese cat's neck is long and slender. The cat is born Siamese and has problems in the eye and a twisted tail but now with the selection of breeds this problem has become rare and minor.

:The fur of the Siamese cat

The white Siamese cat breed is characterized by a short, glossy color and close to the skin. The white Siamese cat remains from birth throughout his life with the same color unchanged. The other strains of the Siamese cat change over time to become darker areas such as the ears, tail and legs.

:Mood and health

The Siamese cat, like other cat breeds, varies in temper from one cat to another but is generally born non-aggressive. It is usually calm, affectionate, intelligent and sincere, which makes it good for children. The Siamese cat is an ideal choice for the pet in the family.

The Siamese cat is susceptible to jealousy and produces a lot of noise if ignored. In the past, the Siamese cat breeds were healthy and long-lived for 15 to 20 years. The Siamese cat now because of selective breeding made the immune system weaker than before. The age of the Siamese cat is less than expected.

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