haski dogs,description of haski dogs,piccture of haski dogs

:Haski dogs

 Haski dogs are a type of dog that resembles wolves in appearance. It is also the most intelligent type of dog, and its native Siberia, used to reindeer herds and also to transport medium-sized loads for long distances, especially in the winter where temperatures were 56 degrees Celsius, because the objects and strength of Haski dogs help them navigate these difficult conditions and for long distances

:Characteristics of Haski dogs

Body: Haski is a beautiful dog whose body covers a layer of soft and thick fur, which has many colors, the most common white and black, in addition to signs of various colors, including red and copper, and the eyes are blue, yellow or brown, and her face striking

.Voice: Her voice howls and not barking like the rest of the dogs

.Age: The average age between 12 and 15 years

.Weight: The weight of the male Haski dogs between 20 and 27 kg

.Weight: The female is between 16 and 23 kg

.Length: The length of males between 53 and 64 cm, and females between 51 and 60 cm

Hair:The average length and fall almost twice a year, depending on the climate in which you live, if the atmosphere is warm it has changed its fur more than twice

 Haski education in the home: In most cases is not recommended to raise Haski in the house, but it may succeed if raised properly, it has the hearts of thin, and she likes to play, in addition to being smart and love to learn, and dogs that do not like The activity has a huge energy and it needs to exercise for 30-60 minutes so you do not feel bored
If you raise Haski dogs indoors, the recommended amount to feed them daily is from one and a half to two cups of dry, high-quality food, which is divided into two meals. It is worth noting that these dogs are satisfied with the least amount of food. A relatively small amount of food that fits in small size, but the amount of food depends on its size
Cleanliness Haski dogs are clean by nature, such as cats. They clean themselves, do not emit unpleasant odors, so they rarely need to shower. If they are raised at home, they prefer shampoo,
.which keeps the natural oils of the skin

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