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The kangaroo

:The kangaroo

He is the most famous animal in Australia. The female has an external sac in her abdomen. She will accept the soft bag for small children to complete his growth after birth. He can lie in his mother's lap and lactate with her. The kangaroos live in arid areas and activate the night to protect themselves from heat. Kangaroo can drill up to 1 meter deep to reach the water.
The kangaroos rely on jumping on their long back legs using their long-standing balance. The kangaroo jump may exceed 10 meters. The kangaroo is used as a base during the break when it stops moving. The Dale guides the other kangaroo animals when they sense a danger approaching and hit it on the ground. The two front kangaroo vessels are endowed with claws that help them pick up lunch, comb their fur and defend themselves during the battles. The dog's belly bites one stroke from its back.

Distribution and habitat: live in desert and semi-desert areas of Australia

Classification: of bursaries

The rank:  dental instruments

A platoon:  legs

Length and weight: can reach the length of the kangaroos to 1.60 meters and can reach the length of the dial to a meter average weight of 50 kg for the Dakar and 30 kg for the female

The kangaroos: live for about 15 years and may reach one year old in captivity

The speed: can reach the speed of the kangaroos at 65 km / h


Sexual maturity: between 18 months and two years

Mating: throughout the year

Pregnancy and childbirth: The pregnancy lasts for 6 days and lasts 6-11 months in the mother's bag and the kangaroo female is placed in one pregnancy only one small

The way of living

The kangaroo puppet system

Sniping and threats: are hunted by humans

Banna lives: in a herd of about 10 kangaroo and is led by an old man

   Protection: Every year more than a million kangaroo kills farmers and others. Because        the kangaroo hugs the herds of cattle high in the pasture and the water, and with it, they are safe from danger 



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He is a quiet animal, sleeps on his tree for about 19 hours, his favorite trees are the eucalyptus which may reach up to the tree. To 500 types. This is why it is difficult to keep it in captivity. Koala does not drink water at all, and it gets the moisture it needs from the food it deviates from. The word Koala is in the original Australian language: (the animal does not drink) With small jumps, Koala lives on the Australian coasts, especially in the new Gaul states in the South and in Victoria as well

Category: Bursaries

Length and weight: The length of Koala 60-85 cm and weight 7-12 kg

Age:Koala may live 15-20 years

Reproduction: Sexual maturity: 2-4 years

Mating: Between December and March

Pregnancy and childbirth: Pregnancy lasts 25-35 days, and the female in one pregnancy is small every two years. The size does not exceed the birth of a grain of beans and complete growth within 6 months

koala ,koala  image

Sound: The koala produces a sound similar to the grating of the saw

:The way of living

koala ,koala  image

Dietary system: vegetarian

Sniping and Threatening: Koala may be an easy prey for carnivorous animals when he descends from his tree

koala ,koala  image

Protection: Under threat of extinction Under the protection and because of hunting for the fur of the remaining 100 000 animals

The Siamese cat

The Siamese cat,The Siamese cat image

:The Siamese cat 

is one of the most famous cat species in the world. Many people prefer Siamese breeding due to its intelligence, sincerity and calmness at home. The Siamese cat is descended from the white cat breed. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Siamese cats to give birth to a pure white Siamese, Pure and pink eyes Sometimes the pure Siamese cat is different from the rest of the Siamese cat breed

:Origins of the Siamese cat

The origins of the white Siamese dynasty are not specifically known, but are described in documents dating back to around 1350 in the manuscripts of the National Library of Bangkok, where the cat describes with a white body, blue eyes, tail, ear and black foot. Applies specifically to the Siamese cat accurately.

:Description of the Siamese cat

The white Siamese cat is a medium-sized breed with a slim body and the Siamese cat weighs between 5 and 6.8 kg. It has a long head, large ears and a triangular shape, while the eyes are large in the shape of almonds and their colors are either blue or pink. The Siamese cat's neck is long and slender. The cat is born Siamese and has problems in the eye and a twisted tail but now with the selection of breeds this problem has become rare and minor.

:The fur of the Siamese cat

The white Siamese cat breed is characterized by a short, glossy color and close to the skin. The white Siamese cat remains from birth throughout his life with the same color unchanged. The other strains of the Siamese cat change over time to become darker areas such as the ears, tail and legs.

:Mood and health

The Siamese cat, like other cat breeds, varies in temper from one cat to another but is generally born non-aggressive. It is usually calm, affectionate, intelligent and sincere, which makes it good for children. The Siamese cat is an ideal choice for the pet in the family.

The Siamese cat is susceptible to jealousy and produces a lot of noise if ignored. In the past, the Siamese cat breeds were healthy and long-lived for 15 to 20 years. The Siamese cat now because of selective breeding made the immune system weaker than before. The age of the Siamese cat is less than expected.


haski dogs,description of haski dogs,piccture of haski dogs

:Haski dogs

 Haski dogs are a type of dog that resembles wolves in appearance. It is also the most intelligent type of dog, and its native Siberia, used to reindeer herds and also to transport medium-sized loads for long distances, especially in the winter where temperatures were 56 degrees Celsius, because the objects and strength of Haski dogs help them navigate these difficult conditions and for long distances

:Characteristics of Haski dogs

Body: Haski is a beautiful dog whose body covers a layer of soft and thick fur, which has many colors, the most common white and black, in addition to signs of various colors, including red and copper, and the eyes are blue, yellow or brown, and her face striking

.Voice: Her voice howls and not barking like the rest of the dogs

.Age: The average age between 12 and 15 years

.Weight: The weight of the male Haski dogs between 20 and 27 kg

.Weight: The female is between 16 and 23 kg

.Length: The length of males between 53 and 64 cm, and females between 51 and 60 cm

Hair:The average length and fall almost twice a year, depending on the climate in which you live, if the atmosphere is warm it has changed its fur more than twice

 Haski education in the home: In most cases is not recommended to raise Haski in the house, but it may succeed if raised properly, it has the hearts of thin, and she likes to play, in addition to being smart and love to learn, and dogs that do not like The activity has a huge energy and it needs to exercise for 30-60 minutes so you do not feel bored
If you raise Haski dogs indoors, the recommended amount to feed them daily is from one and a half to two cups of dry, high-quality food, which is divided into two meals. It is worth noting that these dogs are satisfied with the least amount of food. A relatively small amount of food that fits in small size, but the amount of food depends on its size
Cleanliness Haski dogs are clean by nature, such as cats. They clean themselves, do not emit unpleasant odors, so they rarely need to shower. If they are raised at home, they prefer shampoo,
.which keeps the natural oils of the skin

Kiwi bird

Quick Kiwi Facts

An average of 27 kiwi are killed by predators EVERY WEEK. That’s a population decline of around 1,400 kiwi every year (or 2%). At this rate, kiwi may disappear from the mainland in our lifetime. Just one hundred years ago, kiwi numbered in the millions.
A single roaming dog can wipe out an entire kiwi population in a matter of days
Approximately 20% of the kiwi population is under management.
In areas under where predators are controlled, 50-60% of chicks survive. When areas are not under management 95% of kiwi die before reaching breeding age.
Only 20% survival rate of kiwi chicks is needed for the population to increase.
Proof of success – on the Coromandel, in the predator controlled area, the kiwi population is doubling every decade.

?What’s so unusual

Kiwi are flightless – their Latin species name is Apteryx, which means wingless. They belong to an ancient group of birds that can’t fly – the ratites. Because they can’t fly, how they arrived in New Zealand is not completely clear.
Kiwi habits and physical characteristics are so like a mammal the bird is sometimes referred to as an honorary mammal. It has feathers like hair, nostrils at the end of its beak and an enormous egg.
Most kiwi are nocturnal birds, like many of New Zealand’s native animals. Their calls pierce the forest air at dusk and dawn.
Kiwi are omnivores. Discover what foods they find with their unusual beak.
.Even though kiwi are unusual enough, tall stories abound about the bird.

Dogue allemand

Other Danish names, deutsche dogge, grand danish, great dane
FCI group Pinscher and schnauzer dog - molossoids
Short hair type
Long head shape
The Great Dane, as its name suggests, is from Germany where it is called Deutsche Dogge. His other names are: Danish and Great Dane.
His immediate ancestors are the former Büllenbeiser (German version of the bull dog) crossed with large dogs used for hunting (Hatzrüde), descendants of the friendly Alans. Subsequently, other names have come to denote the different types of these dogs. For example: Ulm's Dogs, Danish Dogue, Württemberg Dog, Great Dane, etc.
The Great Dane belongs to the second group of this classification: the Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Dogs and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs.
The dogs in this group are watchdogs and defensive dogs. They are physically powerful, muscular and dissuasive. They also have a strong character.
The Great Dane is more closely related to the Dude Molossoid category.
The Great Dane is a great molosse that would descend from the Molossus of Tibet introduced in Europe first by the Phoenicians and then by a nomadic Persian people, who are called Alans.
During the Middle Ages, two varieties were distinguished among these Molossians: the "friendly Alans" hunting pack wild boar, wolf and bears, physically powerful, agile, slender and "Alans butcher" whose appearance heavier and picked up glued well to their role as guardian.
From 1878, these varieties were collected under the name "Great Dane". The breed standard will be set four years later in Germany. And in 1923, the Doggen Club de France was born.
The Great Dane is one of the giant breeds with its minimum 80 cm in the male and 72 cm in the female for a weight between 50 and 70 kg. He is tall, powerful but nevertheless harmonious. Its strength and strength are balanced by its elegance, its nobility and its royal port. Nicknamed the "Apollo of the dogs", he is not very proud! This dog with pigmented skin moves with harmonious and flexible paces.
His body fits in a square. His neck is long, dry and well muscled with a curved profile. His chest is pronounced, his ribs well arched. His back is short, almost rectilinear. His kidney is broad and slightly arched. Its rump is also wide and somewhat inclined. Her belly is well raised. The members of the Great Dane are strong and muscular with round feet (so-called "cat feet"), his fingers are arched and tight. Its tail is of medium length reaching up to the hock. Attached high and broad root, it is slender and thin at its end. It curls up a little sword shape when the dog is in action.
The head of this mastiff is finely carved, elongated, narrow and very expressive. He always wears it high. His eyebrows are well developed. Its snout, rectangular in shape, is high. Its truffle is black or lighter in Harlequin. Its eyes are of medium size, round, as dark as possible except for the Blue Mastiff in whom the blue eyes are admitted as well as in the Dogue harlequins for which eyes clear or of different color are also tolerated. His ears are tied up and naturally drooping. There are several dresses in the standard of the Great Dane. The brindle has a light yellow or intense yellow background color with black streaks clearly drawn and a black mask sought. The tawny dress is content with the light or intense yellow color and the black mask. The black dress may have some white marks too. The blue dress corresponds to the pure steel blue color with white marks at the level of the feet and chest admitted. Finally, the harlequin dress is characterized by a pure white background with black patches of lacquer jagged contours, of varying sizes but especially well distributed throughout the body. His hair is very short, dense, smooth or shiny and lying flat.
The Great Dane requires a lot of attention from the point of view of his health. This is mainly due to its size and its rapid growth. During its first three years of life, which represent its growth phase, care must be taken to provide it with sufficient exercise without abusing it because their framework is fragile during this stage of growth. This will minimize the joint and ligament problems that may occur later. As he grows up very quickly, his diet is to be adjusted regularly. From the point of view of the pathologies to which this breed may be subject, hip dysplasia constitutes